HR Advice and Employment Standards for Ontario Employers
Are you an Ontario business owner with questions about minimum employment standards? If you're unfamiliar with your obligations or need advice on human resources, ask Employer Line a quick question or get extensive professional consultation. We know the rules and regulations that affect local employers.
What do employers need-to-know about employment standards in Ontario?
The laws that govern businesses in Canada differ by province and territory. Become familiar with the provincial laws applicable to your company – these will affect your bottom line. Click on the links below for HR and employment standards quick facts, need-to-knows, and legislation updates, or browse our Employer Guides for free resource downloads. Protect your business by ensuring that you're complying with Ontario’s labour laws.
Questions about Bill 148 or Bill 47?
Ontario Bill 47, Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018, came into effect on January 1st, 2019, repealing parts of Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017. This includes changes to minimum wage, vacation pay, sick leave pay, and more. It's important that you make the necessary changes as soon as possible.
Read about:
Ontario Labour Law
Are you an employer that's concerned about Ontario's labour law changes? We can help your business adjust to the transition.
Bill 148: Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act
Questions about Bill 148? Make sure you're prepared for the impact Ontario's new labour laws will have on your business.
Paid Emergency Leave
Under Bill 148, paid emergency leave entitled employees to 10 days off, with the first two days paid.
Overtime Pay
Do you know how to calculate overtime pay for employees that have more than one position with your company? We can help you.
Are you up to date with Ontario’s minimum employment standards?
The Ontario government will continue to amend employment and labour laws, all of which affect employers - especially small business owners. Call Employer Line to have one of our experts run a full on-site audit to provide recommendations and guide you through these changes: 1(833)247-3650