How are you dealing with staff absence during COVID?

  • Do you know whether you should pay staff who don’t have childcare due to the coronavirus closing schools?
  • Do you have a plan to cover the loss of staff who take time off for dependants?
  • Can you afford to lose vital employees and, if not, do you need advice?

Help is here…

Put our years of experience to work for your business

With extensive experience in advising companies large and small, we know what it takes to provide an employer absence solution that works and is easy to put in place. Our HR outsourcing services and HR online management tool helps you monitor and analyze absence figures, identifying causes and trends. Free expert advice on all staff issues enables you to deal with absenteeism in a positive and structured way.

Our employment law specialists can also advise on dealing with persistent absenteeism in a way that follows complex legislative guidelines. Let us manage your absence problems for you and we’ll make sure that all the correct steps are followed, reducing stress for you along the way. With our proven employers’ absence advice service, you don’t worry about staff issues; you just get on with the important task of doing the best by your business.

Join the thousands of companies who rely on Employer Line

Our experts in employers absence advice are waiting to help and provide a tailored solution for your individual company needs. A free consultation could answer a lot of your questions on how to manage absenteeism and make worthwhile savings for your business.

Coronavirus business advice

The coronavirus crisis is unprecedented in our lifetime, so we’re here to help give your business the best chances of survival. So please, for instant support, call Employer Line free today. 1-888-219-8767.